Валериевич писал(а):
Спасибо большое! Однако рутозиды... а диосмин?
Поиск через Medscape-Medline. Запрос diosmin randomized. Туева хуча ссылок. Вот некоторые...
Micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF): a review of its pharmacological effects, therapeutic efficacy and benefits in the management of chronic venous insufficiency.
Curr Vasc Pharmacol 2005 Jan;3(1):1-9 (ISSN: 1570-1611)
Katsenis K
The clinical efficacy of Daflon 500 mg in venous leg ulcers has been demonstrated by several randomised controlled studies, in which the rate of ulcer healing was significantly shortened. An explanation for the ability to speed ulcer healing comes from the protection Daflon 500 mg exerts on the microcirculation.
Клиническая эффективность Дафлона (Детралекс по-ихнему...) продемонстрирована в нескольких РКИ, в которых заметно уменьшался период заживления язв.
A randomised controlled trial of micronised purified flavonoid fraction vs placebo in patients with chronic venous disease.
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002 Jan;23(1):73-6 (ISSN: 1078-5884)
Danielsson G; Jungbeck C; Peterson K; Norgren L
CONCLUSION: in this study, MPFF did not change the symptoms of CVD, except night cramps. A secondary finding was reduced reflux times in patients with oedema, although no ultrasonographic or foot-volumetric parameters changed significantly for the whole group. The role of MPFF in treatment of patients with CVD needs to be further analysed in a large population.
В данном исследовании микронизированная фракция флавоноидов не оказывала влияния на проявления ХВН, за исключением ночных судорог. Вторичная находка - уменьшение времени рефлюкса у пациентов с отеком, хотя и без существенного изменения инструментальных данных. Вывод - нужно исследовать дальше на большем количестве народу.
HR (Venoruton1000, Paroven, 0-[beta-hydroxyethyl]-rutosides) vs. Daflon 500 in chronic venous disease and microangiopathy: an independent prospective, controlled, randomized trial.
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther 2002 Jul;7(3):139-45 (ISSN: 1074-2484)
Belcaro G; Cesarone MR; Bavera P; Ricci A; Renton S; Leon M; Ippolito E; Dugall M; Acerbi G
CONCLUSION: Venous microangiopathy was improved by the treatment with Venoruton. The comparison with Daflon indicates that HR is comparatively more effective both on microcirculatory parameters and on signs and symptoms.
HR, 0-(beta-hydroxyethyl)-rutosides, in comparison with diosmin+hesperidin in chronic venous insufficiency and venous microangiopathy: an independent, prospective, comparative registry study.
Angiology 2005 Jan-Feb;56(1):1-8 (ISSN: 0003-3197)
Cesarone MR; Belcaro G; Pellegrini L; Ledda A; Di Renzo A; Vinciguerra G; Ricci A; Gizzi G; Ippolito E; Fano F; Dugall M; Acerbi G; Cacchio M
The comparison with D+H indicates that HR is comparatively more effective both on microcirculatory parameters and on signs/symptoms of CVI.
Два камушка в огород Servier. Рутозиды более эффективны,чем диосмин.
Ну и напоследок...
Phlebotonics for venous insufficiency
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;(3):CD003229 (ISSN: 1469-493X)
Martinez M; Bonfill X; Moreno R; Vargas E; Capella D
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is not enough evidence to globally support the efficacy of phlebotonics for chronic venous insufficiency. There is a suggestion of some efficacy of phlebotonics on oedema but this is of uncertain clinical relevance. Due to the limitations of current evidence, there is a need for further randomised, controlled clinical trials with greater attention paid to methodological quality.
Нет достаточных доказательств эффективности флеботоников при ХВН. Нужно больше РКИ с тщательным соблюдением методологии исследований...
С уважением,
Андрей Башлачев